and Surgical Technologies


Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies
YEAR 2021-2022
Basics of Laparoscopy
This chapter covers the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery for students, residents, and healthcare professionals regardless their background. Material has been outlined in a way that these fundamentals are also of interest to experienced surgeons or healthcare professionals.
Laparoscopic Procedures
In this chapter, you will be immersed in basic laparoscopic techniques and general surgical strategies explained step-by-step to increase your procedural knowledge and surgical anatomy.
MIS Technologies
In this chapter, emerging technologies are emphasized in order to advance new minimally invasive surgical strategies. This chapter is particularly of interest to health care professionals and biomedical engineers who want to know the technical aspects and clinical applications of new cutting edge devices or procedures.
Entrepreneurship: How To Get Started - Part I
Recent remarkable advances in biomedical engineering created new opportunities to advance minimally invasive medical technology. This chapter provides an overview of multidisciplinary topics, combining computer science, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering with medicine. This chapter provides essential information for those involved with researching, designing, and using minimally invasive devices and systems. It emphasizes the technology required to accomplish minimally invasive medicine.
Entrepreneurship: How To Get Started - Part II
Entrepreneurship in surgical innovation aims to engage students to become acquainted with definitions and concepts that include the innovation process, regulatory issues, patent law, and the market forces that impact the healthcare innovation process.
Bonus videos
BONUS videos are not subject to a quiz rating. They allow you to understand other topics related to innovation, surgery and robotics. You can consult them freely without pre-requisites.

Digestive Surgery and Flexible Endoscopy

Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Flexible Endoscopy

Vivian Emmely de Ruijter
Co-director, Life science innovation scientist Stanford university, Assistant director Stanford's Pediatric Health Technology Incubator

Entrepreneur I Innovator

Eugene CHEN
Entrepreneur I Innovator
The B.E.S.T. Course was a singular and special time for me…an innovation process of thinking about the future, this brainstorming process requires an outstanding Faculty Team to inspire people, open them minds, and I’ve never seen one team so prepare for this. My phrase after the course is “If you can feel it, see it, dream it, you can do it.
Rediscovering yourself, brainstorming with inspiring people and getting better understandings on health, innovation and entrepreneurship are all come within this one and only, life changing program.
One will definitely be their best, if making the best out of B.E.S.T.
The experience I got during this BEST course has really opened my eyes, being able to see from different perspectives, and understanding how my work can solve real problems in the clinical practice.